My life story


Hi, this is my first post which means this will be probably the most boring post of all. Sorry! I'll just say a bit about my life right now and later on, I'll have posts that are more interesting (hopefully)
Okay, so here it goes:

  1. I was born on the 1st of December, it must've been one of the happiest day of my parents lives. Awkward if it's not...
  2. I was living in a small and hot country called Singapore. Some people have heard of it, some haven't. Search it up on google if you have no idea where the hell Singapore is.
  3. I moved over to New Zealand when I was 3 (but I think I just turned 4 before we left) 
  4. I didn't speak much english when I was little, well, probably none of the 4 year olds spoke that much smart english words anyways, probably just yelled all the way through pre school and kindergarten. But, I actually picked up english quite early, considering that english was not spoken too often in Singapore (The oldies still don't know english)
  5. In college (or high school, depends what you wanna call it) now and I've got a pretty good life. 
You'll be hearing more about my boring life in my later posts. I'll still have some posts about me for these few days. Hopefully I'll be able to add in a photo of me or my daily life in each post so it's not as boring and not all just reading. :)
This is a photo of me when I was younger

Question of the day: what's your favourite food?


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