School school and more school


Hey! The title pretty much sums up my life right now. I have so many school work that I need to do, from assignments to just normal homework. I've only got one assignment due next week but I've got A LOT to do on it so can't wait for this weekend to start. :\ School work isn't actually hard or anything, I mean, I honestly don't care about doing homework, it's usually easy stuff and it helps me understand more about what we did in class that lesson (because the homework books all have a little explanation or teach you how to do it at the beginning of each topic) so I usually just do homework the night that I get it so I don't forget or have my homework all piled up. The assignment is different though. I've worked on it but I'm still unsure on how much we exactly need to write because right now, I just have the basic facts. I'll be thinking of more stuff in the weekend because I'll be working on it 24/7. Since I'm doing my assignment all weekend, that means I'll be doing homework tonight so I don't need to worry about it in the weekend at all. I can't wait until it's the holidays! Party party party! haha jokes, I'm too socially awkward for that shit. Who needs to go to parties when you've got home sweet home. <3 I just can't wait until it's the holidays because that'd mean no homeworrrrrk! yesssss! Unless teachers give us holiday homework or something -.- I seriously hope they don't! I don't mind if it's only from one subject, but I don't want it for all 6 subjects because I won't be able to sleep all day and all night. (hahah, saying "all day and all night" reminds me of that One Direction song. Dammit,  forgot the name of it but that one line will be stuck in my head now.)

Bye guys! I better carry on with my homework instead of talking about it haha


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