15 Questions Tag
22:22Hey! Ooh, I haven't done one of these in a while! Sorry about that! This is another random question tag. And a tag means that... I TAG ALL OF YOU GUYS TO DO IT TOO! haha
1. What's a nickname only your family calls you?
*I don't exactly have a lot of nicknames, from both friends and family, but one nickname would be 'Ling Ling'. It's only my sister that calls me that haha. The nickname comes from my first name. Okay, yes, my first name is Elaine but in cantonese it's "Yee Ling". So she makes it cuter by saying Ling Ling I guess :3
2. What's a weird habit of yours?
*This is a tricky one. Lemme think.. wait, I'm just gonna ask my friend haha because she'll know my weird habits more than me. Okay, she just said that a weird habit of mine would be laughing too much. Like at the randomest things. I guess that's pretty true :P Well I normally just crack a huge smile when I think of something funny that happened in the past so when I start laughing, people are just like wth!? hahah
3. Did you take the gherkins out of your burgers when you were little?
YES! Like I always had to pick them out! I love having them in my burgers now though.
4. What's a song you secretly love to blast and belt out when you're alone?
*I don't secretly love any song! haha If I like a song, people would know ;)
5. What's one of your biggest pet peeves?
* When my family accidentally wakes me up from a good sleep -.- Like they're just so loud in the mornings, when with my bedroom door shut, I can still hear them so clearly!
*Thought of another one so I'll just share one more! When people you're around are making faces and doing eye contact with a friend like CLEARLY showing that they're pissed at me or like annoying or whatever! Like b**** please. You're just as annoying! haha (Just had to let that out :P )
6. What's one of your nervous habits?
*When I get nervous I just cross my arms and hold onto my hands haha and probably don't look happy at all!
7. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
*I sleep in the middle because I don't sleep with anyone.
8. What was your first stuffed animal and it's name?
*I honestly have no idea! The most memorable stuffed toy would be a Winnie The Pooh and I named it Pooh hahaha, so original, I know! It's so sad though, my mum gave it away when I was on a school camp :'( Pooh was my favourite! I was 12ish years old at the time when she gave it away. I didn't sleep with it or play with it at that age but it was just a good feeling knowing that Pooh was there! I was so annoyed at my mum for doing that! Like I didn't even give her permission to throw it away! :'(
9. What's the drink you always order at starbucks?
*I haven't gone to starbucks in yeeears because there's no stores near where I live!
10. What's the beauty rule you preach but never actually practice?
*Washing my face with makeup remover. I barely ever use makeup remover or scrubs or any special treatment to my face because I don't like having water splashed onto my face! I only use makeup removers if I'm removing mascara.
11. Which way do you face in the shower?
*Both ways. Not both ways at the same time hahahah that'd just be a tad creepy! Like when I wash my face I face the shower head, and when I'm washing my hair, I face away from the shower head.
12. Do you have any 'weird' body 'skills'?
*None that I can think of! Haha my body is just a plain ol' body :P
13. What's your favourite comfort food/food that's bad but you love to eat it anyways?
*PIZZA <3 or just chocolate
14. What's a phrase or exclamtion you always say?
*Does "DAYYYYUUUMM" count? haha
15. Time to sleep- what are you actually wearing?
*Pyjamas. When it's hot weather, it'll be shorts and a tee and when it's cold weather, it'll be long pyjama bottoms and a tee.
Some of these questions are so random but it's fun answering them! Feel free to leave any questions in the comments below and I might answer them in the next question tag post! :)