15:00Hey everyone! I do have a tumblr, http://e-lainey.tumblr.com/ It'd be really sweet if you started following me :) My tumblr is not photos of me, because tumblr is not all about your own photos. Tumblr is just a great photo blogging website. It's hard to get followers at first but then when your blog gets better and better. My tumblr has more bright, happy and looooads of food posts. I don't have that many followers but I'm almost half way to 1000 followers! yaaay! I'll try my best to run this blog (on blogspot) and also my blog on tumblr because it can be quite tricky, but hopefully I'll have time to do both things. Oh yeah, can't forget to do my homework as well. urgh, that's one more thing I gotta do when I could be having quality time with me and my computer. Say in the comments section what your tumblr url is if you have one!
A screenshot of my tumblr blog |