market day


Hello, market day has been. For those who don't know what market day is, market day is just a day at school when students that learn/study business can participate in creating a product and selling it during school lunch time. The group I'm in consists of 5 members, including me. One of the member in the group, Rachel haha (she's probably reading this now) got her sister to make these really delicous cupcakes! There's like 5 different flavours that she made for us to sell at market day. There's also a variety of sizes, small, medium or large.We had to make our cupcakes & cookies more innovative so our teacher suggested that we actually put the cookies IN the cupcakes. It looked, well, to be honest, a bit weird. But oh well, we weren't the ones eating it and we sold quite a lot.

Eating one of the cupcakes, soooo good!

banana icing with sprinkles

Almost all gone :'(

Minus our shitty cupcakes, there were also quite a lot of competing stalls. I bought a mini butter chicken pie for $2 and these lollies "kiwi eggs" for $1. Okay, a bit of a rip off for the lollies but it was a friends stall and it's rude if you don't buy anything. But the pie was pretty yum!
Other things that you could buy, the things I remember:
  • bubble wrap calenders
  • white choc m&m brownies
  • brownies that are green on the inside (I think they were brownies...)
  • door hangers
  • dessert pizza
  • rainbow sushi (Looked so cool but I didn't go buy any)
The 'Kiwi Eggs'

Delicous green lolly/gum

Question of the day: What's your favourite cupcake flavour?


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