20 Questions Tag


Hey guys! I'm on my holidays now so I've got plenty of spare time. Well, when I'm not playing Sims. ;) Here's just a quick tag. I TAG YOU ALL TO DO THIS TOO. Tag your post with #cottoncandykid and comment on this post so I know you've done a post as well! I'll read your post/answers! :)

Do you...
1. Have one thing you can't leave the house without? My phone, mainly for emergencies or just to play games when I'm waiting for someone.
2. Prefer heels or flats? Flats because they're more comfortable but heels are fun to wear for a night out.
3. Have good grades? Yeah, well not failing anything is a good sign right. ;)
4. Drink energy drinks? Nope, I haven't drank one in a while actually!
5. Drink juice? Yes! I've been drinking juice almost everyday now. I know, it's not exactly the best drink but it's better than drinking plain water all the time.
6. Like swimming? Nah
7. Eat fries with a fork? No, I'm not classy like that. ;) haha I would use a fork for fries if I was in a restaurant though.
8. Want to get married later on in life? Of course! Hopefully I'll find the perfect guy. <3
9. Get mad easily? Not really, just depends on who's being annoying hahah
10. Have any phobias? Is a phobia of rats a thing? Because rats absolutely scare me. :(
11. Bite your nails? Nope
12. Drink coffee? Not on a daily bases but sometimes I do.

13. Brand of makeup? Don't really have a favourite since I haven't experimented with many but the brand that I've got most of would be Maybelline.
14. Flowers? Roses are nice because they smell amazing.
15. Perfume? Cotton Candy perfume! But if it's a favourite perfume that I own, it would be Gwen Stafani's Harajuku Lovers, Lil' Angel.
16. Childhood cartoon? Omg, I have loads! The first few that comes to mind would be The Wild Thornberry's, Courage the Cowardly Dog and Rugrats.
17. Hairstyle? A french plait or bun.
18. Classic disney movie?
19. TV Show? Currently, it's The Carrie Diaries.
20. Actress and actor? Far too hard to pick just one!

I hope you all have fun reading and doing this yourselves because I sure had fun answering them and writing some of the questions. :)


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