Exams + Interview + Catching Fire


Hiya! Oh man, I'm going to have such a busy week next week! I have 3 exams to do (each one is 3 hours long!), a job interview to go to and also go to watch the premiere for Catching Fire!

I'll just talk about each of the things I'll be doing next week!
Eek :s I not actually that nervous for exams! Like I've been studying and I seem to be okay with the facts so fingers crossed that I pass them! I'm just nervous for getting my results back at the start of next year. It feels like I'm waiting for eternal when exams are over and they're just marking our papers. The exams that I have are maths (calculus), media studies and biology.

Job interview:
Yay! I got short listed by McDonald's and am going in for an interview next week! I'm excited that the chance of me getting a job is higher now but I'm nervous for the interview. I'd actually love to work at McDonald's though! And I'll finally be able to earn my own money and start saving up for important things like uni. :) When I do get a job, I'm definitely setting a goal for how much I'm saving up before I spend extra money on things that aren't the most important. And I'll be able to finally start helping my parents by giving them some rent money or giving them grocery money. It's not that they can't afford it, it's just that I'll feel better knowing that I contributed to the household (money-wise).

Catching Fire:
WHOOP! Looking most forward to this next week because it's a nice little break from exams for my friends and I. One movie snack that I'm bringing is cotton candy. ;) Of course! haha And hopefully my friends will buy/bring snacks too so we can have a midnight feast. It's the midnight premiere for the movie so I'm extremely glad that I don't have an exam the morning of the movie!

Wish me luck for the exams and job interview! :)


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