DIY Lemon Hand Scrub | Super easy!


Hey! I'll be teaching you guys how to make a super simple hand scrub today. Trust me, it's simple and won't cost you too much. This will definitely be a great gift idea or even something for you to use yourself.
This hand scrub is magical, it has definitely made my skin much smoother.

1 1/2 - 2 tbsp Lemon juice (I added 1 1/2 to make it smell more lemony but I think 2 tbsp would make it smell even better.)
1/4 Extra virgin olive oil
3/4 cup White sugar

1. Add all the three ingredients into a contrainer (e.g. jar. Make sure you have a lid for the container)
2. Mix it all together
And you're done! How simple is that!? Pretty much just throwing the three ingredients together in a jar and mixing it together.

In the process of watching off the scrub, your hands my feel oily (like when you've got grease on your fingers and it seems to just not go away) but trust me, after you dry your hands, they'll be super soft and smooth! So just give it a try. :)

I might make a short Youtube video for this simple DIY as well. If I do, it won't be up until near the end of November though (because that'd be after exams.)


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